“You don’t even wanna know!”
an art show by The Essential Ten and The Whistle.
Like a backpack fully prepared for a hike, the 2011 PÄS Kids take you into their adventurous minds and explain life as they see it through influences such as music, school, and friends. This natural formation of community consists of 10 Raymond School 5th graders and one 2nd grader, “The Whistle.” The Essential Ten and The Whistle have been meeting at Project Art School to ask questions about life and the society we live in. As they work through them, they continue to express themselves, their passions, and their ideas through art.
Featuring the work of: Jared Bauserman, Sean Carrillo, Juan Duran, Elizabeth Gimple, Lilyann Hippard, Jenny Kraus, Ben Lopez, Phoebe Pillon, Noah Prince, Emily Thompson, and “The Whistle” Ezra Prince
Opening Friday June 3rd. On exhibit to June 18th.
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