Gronk! in fullerton…

we got to hear the story of Gronk! first hand on tuesday evening at the Wilshire Auditorium. he’s pretty remarkable, mainly because he is who he is and nothing short of it. he’s inspiring on many different levels. i remember him briefly from a lecture in my Art 480T Southern California Contemporary Art class a few years ago about the avant guard chicano artists ASCO and their dinner on an L.A. traffic island. but listening to him tell his story really made me think about life, and the way we live in our society. he was able to identify a “call” and run with it. he never said he could do anything, or not do anything, he just did it. i admire that. to me, he confirmed that the art is the artist. here are some snapshots from tuesday evening:

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First Supper After A Major Riot
, 1974. Color photograph. From left: Patssi Valdez, Humberto Sandoval, Willie Herón III, and Gronk in the ASCO performance piece. Photo courtesy of Harry Gamboa Jr. {source}

there’s a demonstration today (the last one!) in the 1000 Building at Fullerton College from 9 am – 11:30 am and 1 pm – 4 pm in room 1021 and some of his paintings and prints are on display in the Fullerton College Art Gallery through Tuesday, April 12, 2011.