here come the Hearts. All the Hearts for All the Kids…
the first four hearts unveiled last saturday (5/15/2010) at Coyote Hills Golf Course at the spring fundraiser for All the Arts Foundation.
Jesse Gaona, Paul Nelson, Katherine England, Brian Torres.
Artists’ information packages are available through All the Arts for All the Kids – 714 447 7484 – if you’re interested in proposing a design for a heart. we hear there will be 20-sum 5-foot resin Hearts total. each seeking a unique design from fullerton artists!
the hearts will be installed throughout downtown fullerton inside businesses for the public’s enjoyment. all finished hearts will be displayed and sold at the fall All the Arts fundraiser in the Museum plaza. if you’re itching to express yourself through a giant public art heart, get a proposal packet!
this is an awesome way to support the Arts in our schools.
here are some other angles…