love. you can’t deny it.
may’s art walk brought awareness to a lot of things, mainly marriage equality and it’s stance in orange county. the entire Magoski Arts Colony was consumed by one big Art With An Agenda exhibit titled, “Love. Sex. Unity. Respect.” curated by Stephan Baxter and Valerie Lewis. there were many great aspects to this show, one of which was a giant 8-foot wedding caked dedicated to Tom and Al, long time Fullerton Residents. half of all the proceeds benefit AIDS Walk OC. have a look at the pics from the night…
and if you missed the opening, we’ll be open TONIGHT from 7-10p and again next weekend, Friday, May 24 and Saturday, May 25 from 7-10p.
that’s a wholelotta pictures… brought to you by brianprince, self-posting since 2008, intern-free. equality for all!