PÄS Gallery presents Form Drawing Gestures, the artwork of René Cardona.
We’ve come to love René’s anatomy-like oil paintings accentuating human muscles blending like solar systems intertwining within a well-planned composition. It’s poetic. It’s prophetic. It’s so good, it’s puzzling. His work screams motion, punches dimension while possessing an angelic aura. Every piece feels as if it was commissioned by the Pope, his murals are worthy of the Sistine Chapel. April’s exhibit at PÄS Gallery will showcase this self-proclaimed transcendental painter in raw form, mostly ink sketches.
We’ve come to love René’s anatomy-like oil paintings accentuating human muscles blending like solar systems intertwining within a well-planned composition. It’s poetic. It’s prophetic. It’s so good, it’s puzzling. His work screams motion, punches dimension while possessing an angelic aura. Every piece feels as if it was commissioned by the Pope, his murals are worthy of the Sistine Chapel. April’s exhibit at PÄS Gallery will showcase this self-proclaimed transcendental painter in raw form, mostly ink sketches.
Come enjoy René’s Form Drawing Gestures at a Sunday Champagne Hanging Party, April 1st at 11:30am, complete with poetry readings and be a part of how the show goes up. Then come back for the opening reception which will be held on the first Friday of April to coincide with the Downtown Fullerton Art Walk, April 6, 2012, from 6-10pm.
Pre-Exhibit Hanging Party:
(Champagne / Poetry Readings / Witness):
sunday, april 1, 2012 11:30am–2pm
Opening Reception:
friday, april 6, 2012 6–10pm
On Exhibit: april 6–28, 2012
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Fullerton Foundry
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