TOMORROW NIGHT! Downtown Fullerton Art Walk… check out Studio EMP, Violethour Studio and PÄS Gallery for Children-centric exhibits, and you don’t want to miss Gutbox at Hibbleton… come out to downtown 6-10pm.
“You don’t even wanna know!” an art show by The Essential Ten and The Whistle.
Like a backpack fully prepared for a hike, the 2011 PÄS Kids take you into their adventurous minds and explain life as they see it through influences such as music, school, and friends. This natural formation of community consists of 10 Raymond School 5th graders and one 2nd grader, “The Whistle.” The Essential Ten and The Whistle have been meeting at Project Art School to ask questions about life and the society we live in. As they work through them, they continue to express themselves, their passions, and their ideas through art.
Featuring the work of: Jared Bauserman, Sean Carrillo, Juan Duran, Elizabeth Gimple, Lilyann Hippard, Jenny Kraus, Ben Lopez, Phoebe Pillon, Noah Prince, Emily Thompson, and “The Whistle” Ezra Prince
RSVP on facebook:
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Violethour Studio Activities and Artist Installations
*I Know You Are, But What Am I? A show of Fine Art inspired by drawings of children. This show will have you reminiscing about all those paintings your kids have brought home.
*Spectacular Shadow Puppet Show by Kerstin Fletcher & Josh Costa titled “Myphonia”, a story for all ages.
A group of creatures have lost their ability to survive and navigate through the jungle they live in because they have grown over-reliant upon technology and modern conveniences. Only one creature remains who is self-reliant, and did not follow this trend. Because of this, the other creatures tease and bully him until, one day, the creatures are in need of his help.
*A reading from the Child’s tale “Ladyfish” by Author Nooshine Zardinejad.
Nooshine will be reading from this delightful book and signing copies for those that wish to purchase it.
The story of Ladyfish follows the narrative frame of the young beauty who loses herself in a world of greed only to return to a better sense of self at the end. The story along with the Artwork has been well received by adults and children.
*Lauren Gallegos will be signing limited copies of “The Mahogany Door”. She is the gifted young Artist.chosen to Illustrate this story.
“The Mahogany Door” leads to the book’s “teaching moments,” which resonate with the author’s own life – about things in life not always being what they seem, about the value of friendship and the importance of completing tasks, and about the secret to tapping into the power of a their only “guide” along the journey, a monstrous being they call “Billy.” And the end is designed to leave young readers anxious for book two.
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Studio EMP will be hosting a kid’s project where they will make their own book out of paper and ribbon.
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Gutbox, a NYC collective, presents a three dimensional installation. Visitors will be able to step into a Gutbox painting and encouraged to interact fully with all elements. This is the first installation that this New York based collective has attempted and they are pleased to make their West Coast debut at the Magoski Arts Colony.
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