Liberated Imagination with Sarah Carter

Sarah Carter, local artist, is coming to PÄS for 3 weeks to host a mind-freeing workshop, Liberated Imagination. please join us as she shares her methods and processes in expressing her heart during this art journal workshop in March. there are still a few spots left.

D E S C R I P T I O N :
A three week, 1.5hr art journal workshop dedicated to restful space & creative expression.

This is your opportunity to honor that voice, the one you hear when you close your eyes and let your body settle right before you drift to sleep. The one that gives you dreams and hopes and a promise that your thoughts do not begin and end in your mind, but rather in your heart. Come and allow yourself the space to let whatever is in your heart out onto canvas. This is an open, expressive, communal experience and you. are. welcome. here.

D A T E S / T I M E S :
Monday, March 7, 6:30-8pm
Monday, March 14, 6:30-8pm
Monday, March 21, 6:30-8pm

F E E :
$65 ($60 + $5 materials fee) per student, all three sessions.


invite a friend. let’s create community. hope to see you here.

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4 thoughts on “Liberated Imagination with Sarah Carter

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