projects around the shop

since there is no exhibit to prepare for in september and as i contemplate our one-year anniversary coming this october, i thought i’d throw up some projects that have happened around the shop this past year. just for fun.

starting with the shop itself…

and signage…

in between the gallery openings, workshops and design work for primate design, we’ve managed to have fun creating and building things around the shop.

with the help of a few brother’s and some tecate, we erected this “ladder” shelf to be eventually used for product. it’s now housing supplies for workshops and other personal do-dads.

somewhere in the middle of our journey, we had to get a new roof…

some metal painting…


the a-frame out front…

and the famous Jesse Gaona mural in the bathroom…

and the inspirational parking stalls…

and there you have it. a few projects in the down time of the good olé project art school…