this july it will be one year since the murder of Kelly Thomas and we are mourning his death, celebrating his life, expressing emotions, surfacing justice through awareness, and collectively healing in an art show curated by Stephan Baxter and John M. Sollom titled, “Art with an Agenda.” on Friday, July 6th 2012, local artists and art enthusiasts who support the Justice 4 Kelly Thomas movement are holding a charity art exhibit at PÄS Gallery in Downtown Fullerton. The exhibit will feature the original work of over 30 local artists, all of which have created and donated art work inspired by the life and circumstances surrounding the death of Kelly Thomas. The money raised from this show will go directly to the Orange County homeless through founded in 2011 by Ron Thomas, The Kelly Thomas Memorial Fund is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to assisting the homeless men, women and children of Orange County. By collaborating with other charities and agencies, KTMF seeks to educate communities on the issues and needs surrounding the growing homelessness in our communities while providing direct relief to those in need, through the collection and distribution of donations, clothing and food.
This Exhibit is timed to coincide with July’s Fullerton Art Walk, and the Kelly Thomas Memorial Concert, which is being held the following day at the Fullerton Market Plaza. The participants of this exhibit have an agenda, but we do not have any official affiliation to other organizations or political parties. We are brought together by our love of art, our love for Fullerton, and our desire for justice.
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